On Friday, October 26, around 11:30 pm, two men, one of whom was armed, entered PMU Gwell Mad bar, at Les Sables Blancs, in Douarnenez (Finistère). The owner, Gildas Clavez, managed to drive them away.

It would be hard to believe that Gildas Calvez, owner of the Gwell Mad tobacco bar, located near the beach of Sands Blancs, in Douarnenez (Finistère) has just been robbed, so much he recounts the facts with relaxation. On Friday, October 26, around 11:30 pm, two individuals, about 1m 80, hooded, their faces hidden behind sunglasses, entered his shop, one of them with a firearm in his hand.

"I had spotted a few minutes before , says the fifties. I saw them cross the road. I thought about the ten or so customers still present : They do not come for cigarettes. Those, they are for me. "

"Stay here my coconut"

He was not wrong. As soon as the door is crossed, the first man points the gun at his head. Without a word being exchanged, Gildas Calvez, then behind the counter, manages to work around and disarm him. "Then I grabbed him ," he continues. He tried to struggle. I told him: Stay here my coconut . "

His accomplice then intervenes in the altercation: "He hit me the arm by which I held him. I finally let go and they run away, their hands emptyer than when they arrived. It lasted a minute. Since the resumption of trade in 2003, I had never seen that .

" I did not think about it "

Such cold blood is enough to inspire the admiration of his customers. "It's a very courageous gesture! One of them said, sitting at the counter. "I did not think," says Gildas Clavez with a shrug.

An investigation was opened by the gendarmes. The robbers are still running at the moment. But not enough to worry the boss who "always sleeps very well since," he smiles.