The body of the septuagenarian, who had not given any sign of life since November 11, was drafted this Tuesday, December 4 in the Couesnon.

The body of Henri Guillard, disappeared last November 11, was found this Tuesday afternoon in the river Couesnon, in Rimou.

Suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the septuagenarian had disappeared, slippers and pillow in hand, while his wife was absent, "only a few minutes, as every day, to go to the cemetery".

His body was apparently spotted by the English owner of the mill located in the lower town center of Rimou, near the bridge, a few hundred meters from the lock.

A tragic denouement after three weeks of searching, doubts and waiting for his family and friends. As a reminder, important means of gendarmerie had been committed to try to locate it (divers, helicopters ...)

His relatives had also received the support of many residents to organize beatings. The hunters had even raked the area.