This Monday is a very special day. Car dimoitou news publishes its 500th edition! For two years, every day at 5 pm, you can read 5 new articles on news from around the world, your favorite sports, unusual discoveries, technological advances, and much more ...

The most: you can give your opinion on what you discover! Because at Rédac, what we love above all, is to discover your messages. And for the 500th issue, we received a lot! "My name is Paolo, I'm going to be 7 years old and I read Dimoitou every day," wrote a reader.

"For me, dimoitou news, who has been with me since birth, is the daily meeting after school," writes Sybille, 12. He informs me, instructs me and I miss him on weekends. So, kisses dimoitou news! "

To celebrate the 500th issue, today you can view all the articles of dimoitou news for free!

dimoitou news, the digital edition of Ouest-France for children from 7 to 12 years old.

Poland is 100 years old! On November 11, Poland celebrated a century of independence ...

Teachers on strike. On Monday, many teachers did not teach.

The oldest painting in the world. A cave houses a painting at least 40,000 years old!

Route du Rhum: an epic arrival! Francis Joyon won the race.