The remains of more than 60 babies and fetuses were found in a funeral home in Detroit, kept in inappropriate conditions. A week ago, the bodies of eleven babies were also found hidden in another funeral home in the city. A multi-police investigation was opened.

The remains of more than 60 babies and fetuses were found hidden in the Perry funeral home in Detroit, Michigan, the Reuters news agency reported. A week ago, the police had already discovered the bodies of eleven babies hidden in the false ceiling of another funeral home, the Cantrell House, also located in this Michigan city. It was an anonymous letter that then led the police to this gruesome discovery.

No link has yet been established between the two cases, said the police chief of Detroit. He added that municipal, provincial and federal investigators would form a working group around this case.

"Deeply troubling" case

The remains found in Perry Funeral Home were partly in non-refrigerated boxes, others in a freezer, the police said.

This case is "deeply troubling," Detroit police chief James Craig told reporters. "I have never seen anything like this for 41 years and a half (he is in the police force, Ed) , never. The investigators work to establish the ages and identities of the bodies found.

The Cantrell funeral home investigation began in April after investigators discovered two embalmed bodies left in coffins in a garage since the end of 2017.