French President Emmanuel Macron is pushing ahead with a European defense project. In a speech to French ambassador in Paris, he spoke out for more independence from the United States. "Europe can no longer leave its security to the United States," said Macron.

After the US has left the international nuclear deal with Iran and put into force delivery bans against the Islamic Republic, President Donald Trump is currently threatening sanctions against European companies continuing to trade with Iran.

Macron described Trump's policy as an aggressive isolation course. "The partner with which Europe built the new post-war order seems to be turning its back on this common history," he said. By contrast, Europe should act more confidently than trade and economic power, defending itself in the future financially and strategically with means capable of fending off US sanctions.

At the European level, it is currently being examined how the financial channels for Iran business can be kept open in order to maintain the nuclear agreement. The talks on defense cooperation planned by Macron should therefore include all European countries and Russia. The only condition is that progress should be made on Ukraine with the Russian government.

Keeping the European Union closed is also more important than a close partnership with Britain after Brexit, Macron said. The negotiations between the EU Commission and Great Britain are currently stagnating, above all because of the Northern Ireland issue. EU diplomats expect delays and a special summit in November.