The appointment to the FDJ of the wife of the leader of the LREM deputies Gilles Le Gendre is controversial. On Europe 1, the Secretary of State for European Affairs Amélie de Montchalin denies any conflict of interest.


This is an embarrassing affair for the majority. The nomination to the FDJ of Raphaële Rabatel, wife of the leader of LREM deputies Gilles Le Gendre, even as the privatization of the company was voted, creates controversy. Secretary of State for European Affairs Amélie de Montchalin, questioned Friday evening on Europe 1, denies any conflict of interest.

"If some people have questions about conflicts of interest, we have authorities for that"

"I find it detestable that a competent woman can not carry out her career because she has a husband who has her own activities." One should not consider that in a couple, one should necessarily to stand back from the other when there are interesting things that match her skills.If she was recruited it is because she has skills, "says the Secretary of State.

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"If some people have questions about conflicts of interest, we have authorities to look at things in depth, I believe in law and the law," says Amélie de Montchalin.

Vivid criticism of the opposition

Many opposition politicians have criticized the appointment of the wife of Gilles Le Gendre, who must become director of communication of the Française des Jeux. "If this information is accurate, it is deeply shocking, especially from a major donor lessons like never!", In particular tweeted MP LR Daniel Fasquelle.

Raphaële Rabatel "has held similar positions" in other companies and "was chosen for his skills", responded the entourage of Gilles Le Gendre with AFP. Bruno Le Maire's Bill Pact, finally adopted by a final Assembly vote on Thursday, provides for the transfer of the majority of the FDJ's capital to the private sector.