Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure for allegations of corruption, has called for a confrontation with the key witnesses. The conversation should be televised live, he said on Israeli television. He has twice called for such a confrontation, but this has been rejected.

In Israel, early elections are held on 9 April. Regular should be chosen only in November 2019. However, Netanyahu's right-wing religious coalition came under increasing pressure. Most recently ruled only with a gossamer majority: It has 61 of the 120 mandates. At the end of December, the coalition leaders decided to hold new elections.

Expensive gifts from friendly billionaires?

The police have recommended in three cases to bring charges against Netanyahu. He is suspected of having received expensive gifts from friendly billionaires. A critical newspaper publisher he should have offered to weaken in exchange for positive coverage of the competitive leaf.

Even the telecom giant Bezeq should have Netanyahu in his time as Minister of Communications benefits granted if it is reported in a belonging to the group medium positively about him. Netanyahu denies all allegations and speaks of a "witch hunt" on him. Currently the prosecution has to decide on an indictment.