By RFPosted on 25-08-2018Modified on 25-08-2018 at 23:27

In Johannesburg, the commission of inquiry into the vast corruption scandal at the head of the state has begun its work. For the past two years, former President of the Republic Jacob Zuma and the Gupta family of Indian entrepreneurs have been suspected of arbitrarily appointing allies to head ministries and state-owned enterprises to divert public funds. The testimonies collected during the first week of hearings only overwhelmed the former president.

" We urge all South Africans who like this country to come forward and help this commission, so that we can solve this problem, " Judge Zondo, who chairs the commission of inquiry, said.

The first witness to appear is Mcebesi Jonas, former Deputy Minister of Finance. Key figure in this affair, he revealed this Friday in a vitriolic statement his first meeting with the Gupta, in 2015. A rally organized under the sway of Duduzane Zuma, son of Jacob Zuma and faithful right arm of the Gupta .

" I asked them directly what was the subject of the meeting. Mr. Gupta told me that the old man, in reference to President Jacob Zuma, would like to work with me and that they wanted to learn about me, "says Mcebesi Jonas in his testimony.

The offer is simple: more than 40 million dollars if he accepts the post of Minister of Finance and especially to obey the orders of the Indian siblings. To " prove they were serious, " his interlocutor offered him to " give him $ 40,000 in cash " on the spot. Going as far as to ask him if he had a bag or if he needed " something to take this money ".

Faced with the refusal of the former minister, the Gupta are menacing. " At the end of the meeting, Mr. Gupta repeated that they had information about me. And if I said that this meeting had taken place, they would kill me . "

This testimony is decisive. It shows for the first time the backstage of the Gupta's grip on South African affairs and their methods.

More testimonials to come

Another testimony comes to establish the intimate and direct links between Jacob Zuma and the Gupta. It would be the spokesman of the former president who was busy arranging business meetings in the home of the Indian family.

The auditions are just starting, but are already revealing a state-of-the-art corruption system. Next week, two former finance ministers of Jacob Zuma are scheduled at the helm. Both were dismissed from the government for openly criticizing corruption at the head of state.

  • (Re) read: South Africa, Jacob Zuma, 20 years of business

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