The US-led government stalemate has sent prices down the US stock markets. The Dow Jones index fell by about 0.7 percent until early afternoon local time in New York. The indices of the S & P 500 and the technology exchange Nasdaq also gave way.

The reason for this is the "Shutdown" threatened by Donald Trump, in order to force the Senate and the House of Representatives to approve the financing of his planned construction of the Wall on the Mexican border. The president calls for at least five billion dollars (4.4 billion euros), the Democrats want to approve only 1.3 billion dollars.

Trump had signed a transitional bill last week, preventing them from having to close the government because they run out of money. At midnight local time, funding expires. Trump therefore called on the Democrats to support a bill passed in the House of Representatives with a republican majority in the Senate as well.

The Democrats, whose votes we need in the Senate, will probably vote against Border Security and the Wall even though they know it is DESPERATELY NEEDED. If the Dems vote no, there will be a shutdown that will last for a very long time. People do not want Open Borders and Crime!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2018

If the necessary votes of the Democrats do not come, it will come to a standstill, which could last a long time, tweeted Trump. The chances are high: the president does not assume that the Democrats in the Senate agree with the draft. This could be sent on Saturday from a number of US government officials in an unpaid leave of absence.

The Democrats in turn made Trump responsible for the shutdown. The president insists on financing his border wall, although he does not bring the necessary majority for it, said the leader of the Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer.