For Alain Chagnaud, partner in the Roland Berger strategy firm, who participated in the synthesis of the contributions, the mass already analyzed is important enough to validate the conclusions reached.


Has the government gone a little fast? Several media, including Les Jours and Franceinfo, point to dysfunctions in the analysis of contributions to the "great national debate". The government would have risked last Monday to a series of announcements to emerge from the crisis opened by the movement of "yellow vests", while half of the contributions have not yet been synthesized. "We processed 380,000 pages, and indeed there is other content that has arrived since," recognizes the microphone of Matthieu Belliard Friday evening, on Europe 1, Alain Chagnaud, partner in the strategy cabinet Roland Berger, who made the synthesis of the paper part of the contributions of the "big national debate".

Up to 700,000 pages in total

The work of this firm was based in particular on the contents digitized by the National Library of France, which centralized the written contributions: letters, mails, citizens' notebooks and minutes of local meetings. However, the volume represented is such that this work could be transmitted only dropper to the firms responsible for synthesizing the contents of these different media. "This is only an estimate, but we consider that we could have a body of more than 700,000 pages," said Alain Chagnaud.

>> From 17h to 20h, it's the big evening newspaper with Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1. Find the replay here

"Stabilized" conclusions

But for this analyst, the missing data should not, once compiled, impact the first conclusions. "Our experience shows that there is a stabilization of messages that occurs, even with only 30% of the corpus analyzed," he says. "There, we are more than 50% of the corpus.The risk that an additional proposal has not already emerged is very small," he concludes.

And for the proposals already revealed: "There is a consensus on lower taxes and more tax justice," says Alain Chagnaud. "The subject of the ISF appears in the first proposals of the French, very strongly, alongside other proposals on lowering taxes."