By RFPosted on 26-08-2018Modified on 26-08-2018 at 02:06

Niger has been strengthening patrols on its southern border with Nigeria for two months in the Maradi region. The authorities in Niamey intend to cope with the rise in kidnappings by criminals mingling with refugees from neighboring Nigeria who are fleeing military operations against banditry in the state of Zamfara.

According to the governor of the Maradi region, for the past few months whole families have crossed the border from Nigeria to Niger. They include returnees, Nigerians returning home, but also Nigerians, who are often close relatives and are very well received on this side of the border.

But among these people have infiltrated bandits who " come on motorcycles and kidnap people a bit wealthy, " whose families are likely to collect a ransom, said Zakari Oumarou, the governor of Maradi. Criminals who " associate " with Nigerians who " facilitate these kidnappings ".

As a result, the Nigerian authorities have reinforced patrols in this border area, to filter refugees and stop this rise in insecurity. For more efficiency, they appeal to the vigilance of the local population. A " collaboration " of which Zakari Oumarou is delighted. Especially since the information thus collected is exchanged " with the Federated States of Nigeria, to take common measures ".

It should be noted that these criminal acts are committed by bandits and not by groups linked to Boko Haram.


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