Emmanuel Macron sees his confidence rating continue to fall, rising to 33% positive opinions. That of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, however, wins 4 points. The government wins 3, led by the same trio: Jean-Yves Le Drian, Jean-Michel Blanquer and Bruno Le Maire.

The confidence rating of Édouard Philippe gains 4 points in one month and now exceeds that of Emmanuel Macron continues to crumble (-1), according to a Harris Interactive poll released Wednesday. With 33% of positive opinions, the Head of State reached its lowest level since the beginning of the five-year period in this monthly barometer for the website Crimes of Opinion. Emmanuel Macron gives ground especially near the relatives of the PS (-13) and progress on the contrary with those of the party Republicans (+5).

Until then very close to that of Emmanuel Macron, the odds of Edward Philippe departs at least momentarily, with 37% positive opinions. The Prime Minister is progressing particularly with relatives of LR and the National Rally (ex-FN).

Jean-Luc Mélenchon loses 6 points

Confidence in government members also gains 3 points, with an average of 24%. And the top trio of ministers remains unchanged, Jean-Yves Le Drian ahead of Jean-Michel Blanquer and Bruno Le Maire. Christophe Castaner wins 9 points to 25%.

Stability also tops the ranking of other political figures, with Nicolas Hulot (42%, =) before Alain Juppé (36%, +1) and Bernard Cazeneuve (27%, +4). Gerard Collomb loses 9 points to 19% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon yields 6 to 16%.

Survey conducted online from October 23 to 25 among 989 people aged 18 and over, according to the quota method. Margin of error from 1.4 to 3.1 points.