The Director-General for Aliens and Passports at the Federal Authority for Identity and Nationality, Brigadier General Saeed Rakan Al-Rashedi, announced a three-month period to amend the conditions of persons who leave and leave the country voluntarily during the period from 1 August to 31 October. Residing illegally on the land of the State, whether they are stranded families, individuals or workers fleeing their companies or domestic workers fleeing from the guarantors.

6 Features

The "Protect Yourself ... Modifying Your Status" initiative grants residence residents six advantages:

■ Exemption from all fines.

■ Leave the state without a stamp of denial for future visit.

■ Return after departure.

■ Modification of the status of arrivals to visit or tourism within the state

Without being obliged to leave.

■ Take advantage of job opportunities by registering in the virtual labor market.

■ Get six-month temporary residence.


AED Fees for adjusting the status of arrivals for a visit or tourism without requiring departure.

- The time limit granted includes all categories that violate the residence before the first of August.

- Violators with jobs who can modify their status and obtain a permit.

He pointed out that the violators will be exempted from penalties, fines and deprivation. At the same time, exceptional cases will be received from nationals of states suffering from wars, disasters and political unrest, including Syria and Yemen.

In a press conference, Al-Rashedi launched a "Protect Yourself ... Modifying Your Situation" initiative in implementation of the Cabinet's recent announcement on granting the violators of the Entry and Residence Law a deadline for voluntary departure and adjustment of their status. : Exemption from all fines, leaving the country without a stamp of denial for future visits, returning after departure, and adjusting the status of those coming for a visit or tourism within the country without requiring a symbolic departure of 500 dirhams, and taking advantage of job opportunities through registration in the virtual labor market Official Luza

Al-Rashidi pointed out that the deadline granted includes all categories of people who violate residency before the first of August only. They are the workers of companies, families and servants without the persons who commit the crimes, while the penalties imposed on the offenders will be applied after August 1, Law, in view of the significant damage caused to the State and society and the serious legal consequences of the perpetrator.

He explained that the amendment of the status of the violator takes two working days if the documents are completed from the time of submission of the application, during which the status of the offender will be amended and given approval to work when the job opportunity is available to him or his sponsor or a permit to leave the country if he wishes to leave.

He pointed out that the residents will be welcomed to change their situation in nine centers spread throughout the country, including the Shahama Center in Abu Dhabi and Al Aweer Center in Dubai and two centers in Al Ain and the Western Region, and equipped private places next to the buildings of the General Directorate of Naturalization and Residency, And is open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm from Sunday to Thursday. A free line (80080) is also available to receive inquiries from the public 24 hours a day.

Al-Rashidi said that violators who have job opportunities can adjust their status and obtain a work permit once they have submitted the required papers and the job destination that ensures them.

He pointed out that after the deadline for the violators of residency in the state on October 31, the agencies will carry out intensive campaigns to control the offenders, who did not respond to the deadline, and the application of penalties that include fines and imprisonment, noting that the number of violators in the state is not large, A large response from all the offending groups to benefit from the time limit, to modify their conditions or to leave voluntarily from the state.

He called on the target people of the initiative «Protect yourself .. Modifying your situation», to accelerate the use of them during the period declared, stressing that it is an exceptional initiative in which the avoidance of all the disadvantages recorded in previous campaigns, and added many features that serve the achievement of the desired objectives, Exemption from all fines and departures without a deprivation stamp, the possibility of immediate return with a new entry permit, and other matters.

He stressed that the main objective of the campaign is to change the situation of all violators of residency in the state to reach a society completely free of violators, and to achieve leadership vision that the UAE community is one of the happiest people in the world.

Case-by-case study

The Director-General for Aliens Affairs and Executives at the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Brigadier General Saeed Rakan Al-Rashdi, affirmed that granting one-year residence to the categories of citizens of the country suffering from wars will be carried out after examining each case separately and assessing the humanitarian conditions that prevent the person from returning to his country in the current circumstances . He stressed that those who are covered by the decision of the Council of Ministers of this category will be granted a one-year residency in the State, regardless of the conditions of residency. In this case, the beneficiary can secure himself and his relatives can be guaranteed by the fourth or fifth degree resident.

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