It follows a complaint lodged last February by the deputy La République en Marche, Denis Masséglia, implicated during a municipal council.

"The file has been sent to me for final settlement today. In Angers, Yves Gambert, public prosecutor, confirms Wednesday, September 26, that a Cholet elected is indicted for public insult committed against a parliamentarian, following a complaint with civil party, filed in April

last by the deputy The Republic en Marche, Denis Masséglia. Complaint in the hands of an Angevin magistrate.

Reaction to a tweet

On January 15, during the municipal council of Cholet, Élisabeth Haquet, councilor of the various right majority, had reacted to "a tweet emanating from a parliamentary collaborator (in fact Benjamin Leclercq, whose contract ended at the end of December 2017). elected MP in the 5th district of Maine-et-Loire ", reading a text, as is usual among the elected officials of the team Mayor Gilles Bourdouleix, who intervene at the microphone.

Resignation for serious injury to the Nation

The comment of the young man, who had in fact been posted on a Facebook page of another collaborator Denis Masséglia, answered "to a retiree who alerted on measures taken by the President of the Republic, the government and their majority," she said, adding that "by his silence and therefore his bail, the MP should resign for serious injury to the Nation [...]. The latter was asking for a public apology, he finally went to court.

Injurious remarks

Within three months, the Angers public prosecutor will have to give his opinion to the examining magistrate. He himself will have three months to conclude a nonsuit order or, if he considers that the offense is constituted, an order for referral to the criminal court. "The public debate does not allow everything and I will be careful not to leave any offensive, defamatory or misleading," reacted on Wednesday, on his Twitter account, Denis Masséglia.

Right of reply

The defendant could not be joined. Gilles Bourdouleix has split, during the day, a statement entitled "right of reply": he considers this "serious situation because it marks a desire to crush freedom of expression and therefore democracy. To go so far as to exploit justice to achieve such an objective has a name: totalitarianism. According to him, all the members of the majority should be indicted in this case.