President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, stressed that the UAE represents the oasis of development in the Arab world, pointing out that the two friendly countries complement each other in development and are important partners for communication and coordination in international and regional affairs because they have close development visions and goals. Political, and growing cooperation.

"The UAE is the first Gulf country to have a strategic partnership with China, and since then, bilateral cooperation has developed rapidly," said the president of the People's Republic of China in an article entitled "Hand in Hand: Towards a Better Future." All areas, especially after the visit of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, in December 2015, reached an important consensus on ways to develop China-UAE relations.

He expressed his full confidence that the People's Republic of China and the United Arab Emirates will open a new chapter of mutual cooperation to make greater contributions to the world and the future of the two countries. He said that despite the geographical distance between China and the UAE, they are home to a people who love struggle, creativity and dreams.

The article reads as follows:

At the invitation of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, I will be visiting the United Arab Emirates on July 19th. The UAE is the first leg of my first two foreign tournaments this year, as well as the first Arab country I visit after my reelection as President of China.

"The Chinese people will never forget the friendship of the UAE government in times of trouble."

- «Initiative (belt and road) in line with the needs of Arab countries to diversify the economy».

Our ancestors exchanged goods, knowledge and understanding through the ancient Silk Road more than 2,000 years ago. In the 7th century, the two sides opened the sea route to trade exchange. Since then, the Chinese silk and porcelain market has spread to the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and Europe. , And spices and pearls were marketed to China via the Indian Ocean.

Diplomatic relations between China and the UAE were established in 1984 in a new step of communication and cooperation between the two sides. The past 34 years have been a dynamic period of deep development of traditional friendship and a continuous flow of popular exchanges between the two countries. The Chinese people will not forget the friendship of the UAE government in times of trouble. China has become a major engine for the growth of the world economy. The UAE has become the oasis of development in the Arab world. The past 34 years have witnessed the efforts of the two countries to explore development paths that are in line with national conditions and their rapid pace of modernization while maintaining independence. The two countries have become sincere friends who complement each other in development, And are important partners for communication and coordination in international and regional affairs, because they have convergent development visions, identical political goals, and growing cooperation links.

In 2012, the UAE became the first Gulf country to have a strategic partnership with China. Since then, bilateral cooperation has developed rapidly in all areas, especially in December 2015. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Commander The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, paid a visit to China and reached an important consensus on ways to develop Sino-UAE relations, which led to friendly cooperation between the two countries to achieve a series of great achievements,

- Cooperation in energy to the highest levels in 2017, where the UAE side granted 12% of the concession of land fields in Abu Dhabi to Chinese companies, this is the first time that China gets a long-term concession in the oil-producing countries in the Middle East, and in March In 2018, the UAE side granted 10% of the concession to Abu Dhabi's two offshore carriers to Chinese companies.

In this context, the second stage of the container terminal at Khalifa Port, which was built and managed by the Chinese and UAE sides, will enter into operation in the first quarter of 2019. The plant will be able to handle 2 million and 400 thousand containers And has progressed smoothly in the China-UAE model region to cooperate in the production capacity within the industrial zone surrounding Khalifa Port. To date, 16 companies have entered into agreements of intent to enter the region, with a total investment of 6.4 billion yuan.

- To promote cooperation in the field of advanced and modern technology gradually. In this context, the 700 MW solar power project in Dubai, which is being built by the Chinese and UAE sides, will be the world's largest and most advanced photovoltaic station, The Middle East's first Silk Road Fund, the first clean-coal station in the region.

In December 2015, the central banks of the two countries renewed the exchange agreement and signed a memorandum of understanding on setting up a clearing arrangement in the UAE currency. They agreed to include the UAE on the list of qualified foreign investors for the Chinese currency. The joint venture decided to invest $ 1 billion and $ 70 million in 12 projects.

The UAE has become the most popular destination for Chinese tourists as a first stop between the Arab countries and the Middle East. The number of Chinese tourists to the UAE exceeded one million for the first time in 2017. The number of Chinese tourists who travel in the UAE is 3.5 million In the year 2017, the UAE became the first country in the Middle East to receive visa exemption treatment for its citizens, and six courses of the "Journey to China" program were successfully conducted under the "Young Ambassadors" project. A young Emirati superior

The new march and new tasks require strong and courageous leaders. The initiative to jointly build the "Belt and Road" for the Arab world was launched in 2014 and received a warm response from all Arab countries. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander He said on the new Silk Road that it is a new bridge to strengthen communication between China and the Arab world. We have common aspirations. It is a necessary framework, although our relations have developed rapidly, but our ambition is even greater.

The "Belt and Road" initiative stems from the historical Silk Road, and is in line with the needs of the Arab countries to diversify the economy and the industrialization process. During this visit, I look forward to working together with the UAE leadership to develop a plan of cooperation, freeing the potential and accelerating the development of China-UAE relations. Is a Chinese-American community with a common destiny through the "Belt and Road" initiative, and serves the interests of the two peoples better.

I hope the two countries work hand in hand to:

Therefore, the Chinese and UAE sides need to enhance communication and coordination to expand their common interests in international and regional affairs and contribute positively to peace, stability and prosperity in the world.

China and the UAE should promote policy coherence, speed up joint development within the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, work together to strengthen the multilateral trading system and push economic globalization towards a more open, inclusive and balanced direction to achieve Common benefit and common gain.

The Chinese and UAE sides should enhance cooperation in the fields of culture, education, tourism, youth and media, and build a bridge for dialogue and mutual benefit between different religions and civilizations. In this context, China will open a Chinese cultural center in Abu Dhabi and support Dubai to host the first Expo in the Middle East in 2020 to participate.

The UAE is implementing the National Innovation Strategy, the UAE Energy Strategy 2050, and a six-pronged implementation plan to translate trends Fourth Industrial Revolution, the two sides can work with each other, and benefit from each other to achieve greater breakthroughs in cooperation in advanced and modern technology.

As China and the UAE are far apart and different in national circumstances, but both are home to a people that love struggle, creativity and dreams, I have said before that the Chinese people have long understood that good does not come on its own, And that happiness requires struggle, as the founder of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, said that the progress of the country came not only because of oil but also of the people's support and support of the two peoples. I am sure that we will open a new chapter of cooperation and mutual win- We make greater contributions to our world and our future For a subscriber. Shi Jinping