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China-US Trade Negotiations August 23, 2018 in Washington. Reuters

Chinese Vice Premier Lio He is in Washington for a decisive phase of trade talks that will last until Thursday, Jan. 31. The discussions are taking place in a context of increased tensions between the United States and China related to the Chinese company Huawei. A meeting is even scheduled with President Donald Trump.

Chance or no schedule, Monday, January 28, the US Department of Justice has unveiled thirteen charges against the Chinese telecom giant Huawei . Unless it is a strategy of destabilization on the part of the Americans, to obtain more concessions ...

Unfounded accusations for the Chinese

China denounces unfounded accusations , Washington says the Huawei case is separate from the negotiations. Can we hope for an agreement under these conditions? On the US side, treasure secretary Steven Mnuchin expects significant progress.

Hurry up. US President Donald Trump and Chinese Xi Jinping signed a truce in early December that lasts until the beginning of March, to reach an agreement in the trade war. Otherwise Washington threatens to raise, again from March 2, its tariffs this time on $ 200 billion of Chinese products imported.

" Unfair " business practices for Americans

In concrete terms, the Americans want to put an end to Chinese commercial practices that they describe as " unfair ", such as the theft of American intellectual property or the massive subsidies granted to Chinese public companies.