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Li Wenzu, partner of the lawyer Wang Quanzhang, sentenced on Monday, January 28, 2019 to four and a half years in prison. GREG BAKER / AFP

Arrested in July 2015, lawyer Wang Quanzhang was sentenced on Monday, January 28, 2019, to four and a half years in prison for subversion by a court in eastern China. A severe sentence, the famous lawyer having already spent several years in detention. This court decision is denounced by the international organizations for the defense of human rights.

With our correspondent in Beijing, Stéphane Lagarde

For more than three years, Wang Quanzhang has not seen his family, starting with his wife who, this Monday still on Twitter, denounces a judicial procedure contrary, she says, to the Chinese law. " My husband is not guilty, it is the judges who are, " writes Li Wenzu.

Assigned to house arrest, then detained incommunicado, Falun Gong activist, dispossessed peasants and human rights activists, his in camera trial was sent in four hours in late December. Tianjin justice found him guilty of subversion of state power.

Movement 709

Square glasses, dark suit on a pink background, this portrait of Wang Quanzhang posted by his supporters is that of one of the big figures of the movement called "709" , for July 7, 2015, date of coordinated and simultaneous arrests of nearly 200 lawyers in China.

A raid on which Mr. Wang was initially able to escape, hiding for nearly a month in his home province of Shandong, on the east coast, before being arrested by security agents at the age of 42 years old. His wife said Monday that they intend to appeal.