Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has described the publication of an arrest warrant against one of the suspects of Chemnitz on the Internet as "completely unacceptable". It should not be that personal data and the actions of the authorities would be known to the public in this way, said Seehofer. The judicial authorities would have to respond.

Because of the published arrest warrant, the prosecutor investigates Dresden. It is about the charge of having violated service secrets, said the Saxon Ministry of Justice. The Attorney General Dresden considers the document to be authentic.

The premature publication of an arrest warrant violates the law. Paragraph 353d of the Criminal Code regulates the prohibition of communications on court hearings: Thus, up to a year in prison or a monetary payment may be punished who publishes official documents of a lawsuit - such as an arrest warrant - "before they have been discussed in public proceedings or the proceedings is completed".

The content may not be distributed verbatim or analogously. This is intended to protect the rights of the accused and safeguard the neutrality of those involved in the proceedings, such as witnesses.

Seehofer condemns homicides and riots

On Sunday, a 35-year-old German had been killed by stabbing in Chemnitz. An Iraqi and a Syrian are in custody as suspects. After the deed, right-wing protesters marched through the city, some of whom attacked foreigners.

Seehofer said that the incidents in Chemnitz and their causes had also been a topic in the Cabinet. The members of the government had to represent a "very uniform position", which corresponded to what Chancellor Angela Merkel said the previous day. She had emphasized that no riots or streets could be the cause of such riots.

Seehofer said he condemns both the brutal homicidal offense and the subsequent riots. It was good that the Saxon police had managed to arrest the two suspects. "I understand that there is an outrage in the population." This indignation, however, does not in any way justify calls for violence.

He offered support to the Free State of Saxony by the Federal Police, said the Minister of the Interior. The Saxon government must now decide whether to accept this offer.

In the video: "We have been mobbed and threatened"
