Only Steffen Seibert, the spokesman for the Federal Government, had expressed, now also Saxon Interior Minister Roland Wöller (CDU) condemns the right-wing violence in Chemnitz. The approach of violent and violent criminals is unbearable, Wöller said in the ARD-noon magazine.

In addition, the Minister of the Interior turned against sentiment in the network. "We have a situation that is unbearable for me and for many others, we have speculations, we have speculations, we have false announcements and real lies in the net," Wöller said. He could "only ask everyone to stay calm, to stay calm and work through the case along the facts and then draw appropriate conclusions."

On the night of Sunday after the Chemnitz City Festival a 35-year-old was stabbed. On Sunday, several hundred people marched through the city, some chanting xenophobic slogans and attacking people they considered foreigners.

Minister of the Interior Wöller said that he could not give any information on what exactly happened in the night of Sunday. To the procedures give it "still no certain knowledge", said the Minister of the Interior.

Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs and SPD Land chief Martin Dulig demanded clarification by police and justice. "Self-justice, speculation and rumor are out of place after the deadly knife attack," said Dulig.

Federal government strongly condemns riots

In the morning, the federal government had the events of Sunday in Chemnitz "sharply" condemned. "We do not take such meetings, hunts on people of different appearance, of other origin, or the attempt to spread hatred on the streets," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert. Seibert called the death of the 35-year-old "terrible".

Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has not commented yet. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said on Monday that he did not want to comment on the violent incidents in Chemnitz for the time being.

"I would first like an authentic report of those responsible," he said in the Bavarian Freilassing. He warned against wanting to judge things too fast.


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