One day after the attacks on foreigners in Chemnitz, more than a thousand people have demonstrated there against right-wing violence. "The hunting scenes on people who look like foreigners, scare us," said the Chemnitz chairman of the Left Tim Detzner at a rally outside the city hall: "We want to show that Chemnitz has a different face: cosmopolitan and against xenophobia." Even the rapper Casper and the rock band Kraftklub had already advertised in advance for the counter-demonstration.

That #Chemnitz does not belong to the right, wants to prove @ Kraftklub bassist @TillBrummer. The situation on the ground gives him right so far. Currently only a few dozen rights, but several hundred counter-demonstrators on the street. # c2708

- Raphael Thelen (@RaphaelThelen) 27th August 2018

Only a few meters away from the Stadthalle, a 35-year-old German had been stabbed and died on early Sunday morning. Two suspects from Syria and Iraq have now been issued arrest warrants for joint manslaughter.

On Sunday afternoon, after a call of a right-wing ultra-group from the environment of the football league team Chemnitzer FC around a thousand people, including numerous rights, moved through the city center. Videos on the Internet show how migrants and policemen are attacked.

In the evening there will be a rally of the right-wing scene in Chemnitz. An estimated one thousand people have gathered at the Karl Marx Monument. The riot police secures both venues with hundreds of officers and tries to prevent a rendezvous between the two factions.


Twitter / GodCoder