Have you ever seen the movie Dinosaur Park, which raised many questions, such as "Can Dinosaurs Come Back?"

In fact, the idea that these creatures can return to live on the surface of our planet is both startling and frightening for the human race.

However, scientists, according to the report by Jane Lapus, published by Life Science, are particularly interested in this, and whether science can really bring us back to the world of tyrannosaurus.

But the old-life scientist at the London Natural History Museum, Susie Maydent, disagrees with the idea that the DNA-rich mosquitoes preserved in tree amber millions of years ago - as in Dinosaur Park - can help recreate an extinct dinosaur.

The skeletons of dinosaurs are displayed at the auction house in the French capital Paris.

"We have samples of mosquitoes and frozen flies stored in amber and go back to the dinosaur era, but these samples inside the amber help preserve the outer structure rather than the soft tissue, so we can not find the blood stored inside the mosquitoes in the amber," Maidement said in a statement. .

The authors found that blood vessels and collagen protein were found in dinosaur fossils, but these elements did not actually contain dinosaur DNA. Unlike collagen and other proteins, DNA is fragile and highly sensitive to sunlight and water effects. The oldest nuclear DNA in the fossil record is about a million years old, while dinosaurs have been extinct about 66 million years ago.

"Although we have the blood of mosquitoes that seem to be about 50 million years old, we have not been able to find DNA, and in order to be able to revive a creature, we will need its DNA," she said.

The author of the genetics at the University of Northampton in the United Kingdom Jamal Nasser does not rule out the possibility of reviving the dinosaurs, but stressed the need to have all the conditions for dinosaurs to reappear.

"It is clear that we are unable to control the range of viral epidemics that may hamper the function of our genetic content, as well as the functions of our organs and behavior," he said. This would create the conditions for evolution that would allow us to re-create prehistoric reptiles.

LONDON (Reuters) - A real-

Maidment acknowledges the fact that evolution may not take a certain direction, and therefore certainly we can not witness the re-evolution of the same animal. "Today's dolphins are characterized by a lifestyle similar to the environment in which the ecologists develop, but we can not compare the dolphin to the acetosaur because they do not share the same anatomical characteristics," said the ancient biologist.

For his part, said the researcher at the National Museum of Natural History at the University of Washington, Jack Horner, that some scientists are still studying the process of evolution by reversing the genetic engineering of the chicken to become a dinosaur known as Chiknosaurus, the chicken dinosaur, because they believe that the birds evolved from dinosaurs.

But even if this process succeeds, the creature obtained will not be a copy of the dinosaur, but will be a modified chicken.

The writer said things have changed drastically since 66 million years. If the dinosaur returns to Earth one day, it will find itself in a completely different world.

"If you put him here, the animal that has been extinct for about 150 million years will not be able to recognize anything in this world, what will it feed, what will it do, where will we put it?