New episode against the Republic Project in Caen. A group of elected officials and citizens in turn challenged the felling of trees located on the former car park.

After questioning in vain various ministers, a group of ten citizens, riparian and elected, filed an appeal against Project Republic on July 3, 2018. This appeal challenges "the decision of the prefect of the Region dated January 19, 2018 to authorize the mayor of Caen to proceed to the slaughter of about fifty trees on the Place de la République ".

Reasons advanced: "This decision was taken prematurely when the realization of the mall desired by Mr. Bruneau is suspended on many conditions, and the scientific justification for these excavations is far from established."

Among this group are two opposition advisers (Eric Vève and Rudy L'Orphelin), as well as representatives of the collective for the defense of the Republic Square. This is the fourth recourse against this project to our knowledge. Two, filed by Xavier Le Coutour, were dismissed in first instance, but the opposition counsel appealed.

In this thorny issue, Mayor Joel Bruneau announced that the project would remain suspended until the appeals are purged. When it was adopted on June 25, the sale of the parcel was strongly contested.