Initiated by the choreographer Karine Saporta, the first edition of the festival "Je danse ... donc je suis" started in Paris, and continues in Normandy until November 14, 2018. Wednesday, October 31, 2018, a performance was offered travelers present at the station of Caen.

The project had been important to him for a long time. Karine Saporta has created the first edition of an original festival, bringing together the art of dance and thought. After a first Parisian stage, the event continues in Caen, the Igda 2.0 gallery and the Dancing in Ouistreham.

Before the various events (brunch, philosophical ball and banquet, show and listening room), a "performance" version of a creation by Karine Saporta was unveiled to the public in the hall of the Caen train station. On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, travelers were treated to a preview of Sophoclea, whose stage version will be presented at Dansoir on Saturday, November 3 and Sunday, November 4, 2018.

Sophoclea follows "a double residency in Corsica, at the actor Robin Renucci, and Athens at the center Isadora Duncan," says Karine Saporta, who worked on the great myths of the Mediterranean. "The show incorporates in the text of Sophocles that of Henry Bauchau Antigone . Antigone's refusal is treated here as a solar and luminous anthem to freedom. "

Program here. Information on 06 37 57 39 77