The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is responsible for the current crisis, the US Brookings Institution said. The killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is one of several crises he has made, asserting that the sanctions imposed by the US administration on a number of Saudis are inadequate.

The organization said in a report on Thursday that the Saudi government would not be able to escape responsibility for this "horrific process" and that the deep rift in the relationship with the United States was made by Bin Salman.

The Foundation also noted that some politicians in the United States may agree with Senator Lindsey Graham that the crown prince is a "madman", noting that bin Salman or his successor must work hard to restore these relations to normal and correct the course of Saudi Arabia in the province Qatar and the Yemen War.

The Washington-based Brookings Institution is one of the oldest think tanks and conducts research in economics, politics, governance, foreign policy, and development in the world.