United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum

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At the end - after four days of sometimes torturing debates about Europe, anti-Semitism and pure leftist doctrine - Jeremy Corbyn turned back to his favorite enemy on Wednesday: capitalism. The "greed-is-good" -mantra of the past decades sounded only hollow, called the Labor leader at the conclusion of the congress in Liverpool to his comrades. The legacy of the Conservative conservatives for almost a decade had leached Great Britain. People longed for something other than "social vandalism," according to Corbyn. Therefore, Labor will reign soon and change the kingdom "radically".

These were exactly the words most of the delegates at the spaceship-like Convention Center on the Mersey had been waiting for. Hundreds celebrated the 69-year-old with the cult chanting "Oh, Jeremy-Cor-byn," waving Corbyn scarves, hooting. For a moment, the party was as intoxicated with itself as it had been in June 2017 when, against all the predictions, they almost missed their return to power. Soon, as many believe, Labor will hold the key to Downing Street, house number 10.

But this congress has made one thing clear above all: that the Socialists around Jeremy Corbyn are almost lucky in these times, not to have to govern. The Brexit, which is ripping up the Conservatives, would probably break down Labor into its parts. Rarely has this been clearer than in Liverpool.

May finds no way out of the mess

The fact that the party in the port city, which was once the European Capital of Culture ten years ago, even debated their relationship with the EU, moderate forces were already considered a success. A year ago in Brighton, the party congress had almost cast a spell over Brexit. Nothing should disturb the resurrection celebration of the left at that time.

Now, in the fall of 2018, there are only six more months left before the divorce of the Kingdom from the EU. The government of Theresa May finds no way out of her self-created chaos. It can no longer be ruled out that the conservatives, seduced by egomaniac nationalists, continue their crash course - and possibly drag the country into the abyss.

As you would like to know: How does Labor actually with the Brexit?

After four days you know that now at least a little more accurate. Most of all thanks to Labor's shadow-obsessed shadow minister for Brexit, Keir Starmer. He promised delegates that Labor MPs in the British Parliament would only agree to a divorce treaty with the EU if the country could enjoy "the same benefits" in the future as it does as a member of the single market. Translated, that means: May can do whatever she wants - she can not count on Labor's help.

British left deeply divided in their attitude to the EU

Instead, the party wants to rush as soon as possible to new elections, have also thought about the most recent Mays quietly. If necessary, another alternative could be a referendum that no longer blocks a majority in Labor.

But if it does happen, the crucial question will be which alternatives will be put to the British people for voting: the one between a bad deal or no deal at all? Or the one to blow the Brexit and yet to stay in the EU? While Starmer in Liverpool was under ovation for the option to stay, his own comrades accused him of "treason of the highest order".

What sounds like a dispute about technical subtleties, leads close to the breaking points of the socialists. In hardly any question is the British left more deeply divided than in its attitude to the EU. While a large majority of MEPs advocate remaining in the European Union, parts of the base are strict Brussels enemies. Especially in the once flourishing industrial centers in central England and Wales, Labor's core clientele have been persuaded that EU bureaucrats are guilty of structural change and unemployment. They want to get out, as soon as possible.

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Theresa May's failed Brexit policy Rosins are out

On the other hand, there are countless younger people who have never known better times, who value boundless Europe, and who are mobile enough to seek their fortune elsewhere, if necessary. They have contributed significantly to the unlikely success of the Old Socialist Jeremy Corbyn and made Labor the largest party in the EU in recent years by mass entry.

Stay in the EU again an option

Irony of history: Ironically, her idol is in principle a staunch EU opponent, albeit for reasons other than many of his compatriots. Corbyn considers the EU to be a neoliberal and non-solid elite club that will feed the rich minority on the continent and ignore the poorer majority.

As a premier, Corbyn would have to do the trick of negotiating all of the opposing factions in his party and negotiating a deal with the EU to keep his own face. And within a few months. In short, he would be in the same situation as Theresa May.

He could get a taste on Thursday: Then Corbyn meets the top EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier. His advantage and that of his party: as long as they are in opposition, they can assert that they could do better.

Nevertheless, this congress helped to clarify the increasingly confusing fronts in the British Brexit skirmish. Staying in the EU is now explicitly an option for the left. For a long time, Labor has been the party for piano divorce and ambush in matters of EU divorce, and for the first time it is recognizable as a clear anti-Brexit alternative. At least until the day when it finally comes to oath.

He could not be far away, as things are.