“The brutal murder of Jamal Hashukji occurred inside the building of the consulate general of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul, they feared for many days, but confirmation of this still causes shock. Nothing can justify the murder, and we condemn it in the sharpest way, ”RIA Novosti quotes from the statement.

It notes that “it is urgently necessary to clarify what exactly happened on October 2,” based on facts.

Also, three countries called on Riyadh to conduct the most transparent investigation and noted that the final decision will be made “based on how trustworthy the explanation of what happened we will receive and on our confidence that such a shameful event cannot be repeated never happen again. "

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the country will publish the “bare truth” about the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Hashukji.

In the framework of the case of the murder of Khashukji, 18 people were detained in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. All of them are subjects of the kingdom.