The mother of the child found dead Saturday night in Surzur in the Morbihan was incarcerated after being indicted for murder on a minor under 15 years. She could have made a denial of pregnancy and decided to hide the delivery.

The mother of a newborn found dead Saturday night in Surzur (Morbihan) was indicted for murder of a minor under the age of 15 and incarcerated, announced Wednesday the prosecutor's office of Lorient. "The mother of the newborn has been placed under investigation (...) and placed in custody in accordance with requisitions," said the floor in a statement.

Relief was called Saturday night home of this family of Surzur, about fifteen kilometers from Vannes. The doctors had alerted the gendarmerie, suspecting a delivery. It was during the search that the gendarmes discovered the newborn hidden in the house. The mother, in her forties, was present with her two children of about ten years. The father was traveling.

The husband did not know the pregnancy

The autopsy established that the child was alive at birth, "without it being possible to specify with certainty the exact circumstances of his death," said the floor of Vannes Tuesday in a statement, before relinquishing the case for the benefit of criminal police of Lorient.

First hospitalized, the mother of the child was placed in custody on Monday. "During her auditions, she stated that she had made a denial of pregnancy, was unconscious at the time of delivery due to discomfort, and subsequently decided, in a panic, to hide the child. childbirth by concealing the body of his child " , according to the parquet of Vannes.

The investigation revealed that "her husband was unaware of her pregnancy and no medical monitoring of pregnancy was in progress," the source said.