Nigel Farage is no longer a member of Ukip. The longtime chairman of the anti-British British party announced his departure on Tuesday.

Farage was one of the key fighters for Britain's exit from the EU in Brexit's referendum two years ago. Barely two weeks after the successful vote, he had announced his withdrawal from the party leadership: He had done his part and wanted to have his life back. In his farewell speech in mid-September, he called on the conservative government to implement Brexit now consistently.

Farage attacked the Ukip party on Tuesday. There is "huge room for a Brexit party in British politics, but not filled by Ukip." Farage also criticized the decision of current party leader Gerard Batten to appoint right-wing extremist activist Tommy Robinson as an adviser.

Farage is a big fan of US President Donald Trump. As the first British politician he had met Trump after his election victory.