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Walk on the streets of Rio de Janeiro on March 15, 2018, to protest the assassination of Brazilian activist Marielle Franco. REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes

In Brazil, the decision of a judge is controversial. He banned TV Globo, the largest channel in the country, from distributing the content of official documents of the investigation into the assassination last March of black elect Marielle Franco, considering that this may be detrimental to investigations. A decision perceived as censorship while the investigation has stalled for 8 months.

With our correspondent in Rio de Janeiro, François Cardona

The assassination of Marielle Franco had shocked Brazil: this young councilor from the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro was a minority rights activist, who denounced police violence. But since its execution in the street, the culprits have still not been found.

Globo television has had access to excerpts from reports of the controversial investigation , but it will not be able to broadcast them, a judge has banned them. It assures that it will respect this decision, and that it does not intend to prejudice the ongoing investigation or the witnesses involved.

However, TV Globo decided to appeal, saying that the ban violated " seriously the freedom of the press and the right of the population to information ". It has received the support of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism, which denounces a " censorship ".

The Globo chain, regularly accused of complacency with the authorities, believes this time that it is necessary to look into possible flaws in the investigation, which did not help to clarify the " barbaric assassinations " of Marielle Franco and of his driver.