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Police are deployed at the Raul Brasil School in Suzano, near São Paulo, on March 13, 2019. REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli

Two assailants - teenagers - shot dead at least eight people before committing suicide Wednesday (March 13th) at a school in the metropolitan area of ​​the big city of São Paulo.

At least eight people were killed in a shooting incident in the Raul Brasil school in Suzano, a suburb of São Paulo, in the south-east of the country. Among the victims are six children, including two hospital deaths, an employee of the establishment and a person who was outside the compound, according to the police of São Paulo, There are also about twenty wounded.

The attack occurred around 9:30 local time. Wearing hoods, the attackers are two teenagers who killed themselves after opening fire in the school.

Upon arrival, Sao Paulo State Governor Joao Doria said it had not been established at the time that the two attackers were former students of the school. GloboNews has broadcast images of many parents in front of the school, anxiously awaiting news of their school children.