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Bad Hersfeld, Germany, November 23, 2018. Nearly 620 Amazon employees participated in the strikes, according to the company. REUTERS / Andreas Buerger

The employees of the American giant profit in their own way from Black Friday. They are numerous this Friday to follow the password issued by the hashtag #AmazonNousNeSommesPasDesRobots. Already in July, they had conducted an action called Prime Day. Employees from the logistics centers of Germany, Spain and Great Britain chose this Friday, Black Friday Day, to protest, while the signs multiply the flash sales.

In several European countries, Amazon employees are demanding better working conditions. They took advantage of Black Friday, a massive world consumption day, to make it heard.

In Spain, in the outskirts of Madrid, the largest logistics site, which employs nearly 1,500 people is almost at a standstill, no more truck does not come out. In Germany, employees require a collective agreement so that their overtime is paid in the same way as what is done elsewhere. As for Britain, Amazon's unions denounce " inhumane " working conditions such as the ban on going to the toilet or the obligation to work for a pregnant woman.

Accusations that Amazon management refutes. In a statement, the multinational stresses that it knows how to retain its employees because they remain there for several years, that on average there is 40% less accident at Amazon than other companies with the same activity, and that proposed salaries are average. Evidence therefore, according to Amazon, that he is a " good and reliable employer ".

Despite these numerous disengagements, the multinational minimizes the scale of strike action, and maintains that orders are processed normally. But employees are already announcing other actions for the end of year celebrations.

Black Friday is not to everyone's taste

The event kicks off end-of-year shopping, but has also become a symbol of hyper-consumption. Imported from the United States in 2010 by Apple and Amazon, Black Friday is today a must-attend event for all major brands located in France. During this weekend of promotions, the French should spend 5.7 billion euros.

Practiced by only 3% of the Parisian traders in 2015, the Black Friday spreads everywhere in this shopping center, to the delight of this young student. " So, what did I buy? Clothes and a camera. For the reduction, it depends on the stores. "

More than 1 in 2 people take the opportunity to do their Christmas shopping according to an Ifop survey. " It's a fashion phenomenon. There is Christmas, the party of grannies, grandpa, there are the sales soon, Black Friday, we never stop! "

While some criticize disguised sales, others do not hesitate to talk about scams. " People feel like they're saving money, but I'm not sure it's the truth. I think it's a bit of a scam as usual. Me it does not interest me, I do not come to do my shopping because of Black Friday, anyway, "says this woman.

Some companies have decided to sulk this Black Friday with a Green Friday, an initiative to raise awareness about overconsumption. On the program: closed websites this Friday or workshops to learn to repair its objects.