Mohammed Abdul Malik - Al Jazeera Net

New calls by Yemenis calling for joining the so-called National Front to resist the presence of the UAE in Yemen, in order to stop the "tampering" practiced by Abu Dhabi and deepen the crisis that beset their country four years ago, they said.

Al-Jazeera Net's responses to these claims varied among those who support it and say that it has become necessary, and those who oppose it, citing the fears and consequences that may come to them, especially as there are those who advocate armed resistance and confront the UAE presence on the ground.

The campaign started from calls for activists and politicians to social networking sites, including the call of the leader of the General People's Congress Party, Yasser Yamani, who appeared in video clips posted on his Facebook page.

Al-Yamani called on all those who reject the UAE policy in Yemen to declare their joining the campaign to resist the UAE presence and engage in a unified work.

The National Front rejects the presence of the UAE in our Yemeni territories
A strong statement to Yemeni political activist and activist Ali Hussein Al-Bajiri addressed to His Highness Sheikhs and Rulers of the United Arab Emirates and the people of the UAE 4 January 2019

- Yasralimani (@ qvZr9iNjcodUntu) January 6, 2019

These calls received some response from activists, as there were videos of others announcing their appeal to those appeals, including activists and politicians outside Yemen.

Masked gunmen also appeared from inside Yemen reading what they called the first statement they spoke about their refusal to the UAE presence in Yemen.

He attributed the Yemeni analysts spoke to Al Jazeera Net the motives of this step, which is being talked about, the mistakes and practices and tampering in the liberated Yemeni provinces that said that the coalition is behind them, specifically the UAE, where it became part of the problem and is no longer part of the solution.

Reflection of conviction
The Yemeni political analyst and southern journalist Abdul Raqeeb al-Hudaiani told Al-Jazeera Net that these calls are a reflection of the conviction reached by the Yemeni people of the necessity of ending the UAE presence in the country.

Al-Hudaiani said that the UAE today is dedicated to killing and assassinating state institutions, establishing secret prisons and torturing Yemenis, which reached the point of physical rape. Yemenis have to cut off the UAE's hands because they no longer work for it. His temple.

According to Hadiani, these calls were actually to cover the silence of the legitimate Yemeni government, which reached the level of collusion with the practices of the UAE, which was the reason for the movement of politicians and activists to form components that refuse to the presence of their forces and control in the Yemeni affairs.

"The yeast is ready and the Yemeni people are ready to revolt against the UAE. Demonstrations have already taken place in Aden, Shabwa and Hadhramaut before, and even the images of the sheikhs of the UAE have been burned."

Different opinions
On the other hand, other Yemenis expressed concern about the consequences of those calls. A Yemeni defense ministry official told Al that the time was not right to launch them and if they did, they should be consistent with the official directions of the Yemeni government and not be separate.

Others justified their concerns by knowing the UAE's high blood record of targeting opponents and opponents of its policy, as evidenced by what it did in the southern city of Aden and the arrest of more than 400 people.

Yemeni activist Adel al-Hassani warned of the consequences of these calls and said that they could take the blood of innocent youth. The UAE would accuse anyone who opposes terrorism. "They may crush him with Apache and armored vehicles deployed on our country because they are simply the ones who control the land."

The United Arab Emirates forces on the outskirts of the city of Hodeidah (French - Archive)

Armed struggle
Al-Hassani, one of those imprisoned by the UAE and tortured, said that no one has the right to call for an armed struggle other than the official authorities. He called on everyone to reject what the UAE is doing peacefully and not to be drawn into violence.

In a comment to Yemeni activist Tawakkol Kerman, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, she called on those who called for an armed revolt against the UAE to "start a peaceful revolution and throw their fragile and frivolous masses beyond the Indian Ocean."

The same thing has been confirmed by analysts who spoke to Al Jazeera Net and reported that there are many challenges that may make these calls difficult. Those who call them should be cautious, especially as the UAE may work through their tools to pursue them and hide them in their secret detention camps.