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The Paris prosecutor's office opened an investigation for "undermining the privacy of privacy." REUTERS / Gonzalo Fuentes / Photo File

After the information published last week by the online investigation journal Mediapart, the prosecutor's office opened an investigation for breach of privacy. It concerns excerpts of a conversation dating from July 2018 between Alexandre Benalla and Vincent Crase. At the time, the courts had forbidden the two men to communicate with each other because of their judicial control. Mediapart refused a search on February 4 in its premises.

The Paris public prosecutor's office opened an investigation for breaching the privacy of privacy. Justice wants to know how and in what context was recorded the conversation attributed to Alexandre Benalla, former advisor to Emmanuel Macron and Vincent Crase, former employee of LREM and Reservist Constable. Their comments reported by the Mediapart site last week date from July 26, 2018.

The online investigation site indicates that he refused a search on his premises on February 4, arguing that he was in his right since it is only a preliminary investigation. The site believes that this situation is particularly worrying for the secrecy of the sources.

This investigation, which aims at the recordings revealed by Mediapart, is likely to reach the secret of the sources of our newspaper. That is why we refused this search, an unprecedented and particularly serious act in the history of Mediapart. Articles to come.

Mediapart (@Mediapart) February 4, 2019

In this recording, Alexandre Benalla claims to have the support of the Head of State. He assures that Emmanuel Macron sent him a text message telling him " he was going to eat everyone ", " he is the strongest ". Emmanuel Macron's former bodyguard and Reservist Constable Vincent Crase were indicted as part of the May 1st violence.

In addition to the support of the President of the Republic, Alexandre Benalla prides himself on having the support of Ismaël Emelien , Emmanuel Macron's very close special adviser, who then advises him on the media response to be held, while the case no is in its infancy. The Elysee has denied this information. Also during this conversation, the former bodyguard Emmanuel Macron evokes his links with a rich Russian businessman, close to Vladimir Putin. Links that he always denied to the Senate Inquiry.