The FBI and the US Secret Service over the past two days intercepted at least 10 parcels with improvised explosive devices. They were addressed to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, former CIA director John Brennan and former Attorney General Eric Holder.

The special services also managed to intercept the packages addressed to financier George Soros, actor Robert de Niro, former US Vice President Joe Biden and Democratic Congressman Maxine Waters. All of these individuals have repeatedly criticized Donald Trump, as well as the actions of his administration. One of the packages was sent to the headquarters of CNN, also known for its difficult relationship with the current president.

None of the devices exploded, none of the recipients touched the packages. In all cases, the dangerous goods reported by the assistants to the recipients were confiscated by security forces.

The US president condemned the actions of the intruders and noted that the US law enforcement agencies and special services would throw all their forces into the investigation to confirm the inadmissibility of political violence in the United States.

"At this time we need to unite, we need to be together to send a clear and powerful signal that such actions or threats of political violence in any form have no place in the United States," the NBC television channel quoted his statement.

  • (Top row) Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Barack Obama, (bottom row) Former US Attorney General Eric Holder, US Congressman Maxine Waters, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Former CIA Director John Brennan
  • Reuters

At the same time, Trump's opponents and the liberal media have already blamed the incidents on the American leader. Former CIA director John Brennan, one of those to whom the package was sent, in response to Trump's comment, advised the president to "look in the mirror."

“Enough of shifting responsibility to others. Look in the mirror - your radical rhetoric, insults, lies and incitement to violence are simply shameful. Take care of your behavior. Try to act like a president, ”the Washington Post quotes him.

Political technologist Steve Schmidt, the former chief of the election headquarters of John McCain in 2008, also blamed Trump on what was happening.

“Trump is provoking a cold civil war in the country. Rallies in his support are full of hatred, and he calls journalists the enemies of the people. An attempt to kill their political opponents is not a deviation from the norm, but a direct consequence of Trump's provocations, ”he wrote on his Twitter.

“In the White House there is a complete lack of understanding of what serious consequences their endless attacks on the media entail. The president and especially the press secretary of the White House should be aware that they attach great importance to their words. So far, they do not demonstrate such an understanding, ”the channel CNN quotes the words of its President, Jeff Zucker.

Alexander Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros, whom the US president has repeatedly accused of sponsoring protests against him, indirectly blamed the incident on the Trump administration.

In a column for The New York Times, entitled “Hatred That Sucks Us Up,” Alexander Soros said that Trump’s nomination for president in 2016 reinforced anti-Semitic sentiments against his father.

“Before that, hatred came only from a small group of extremists among the nationalists and supporters of the superiority of the white race, who are trying to undermine the very foundation of democratic institutions. But after the election campaign of Donald Trump, the situation worsened, ”Soros writes.

The President of the United States, in turn, accused a number of media of inciting hatred in American society amid incidents of sending suspicious messages.

“A very large share of anger that we see today in our society is caused by deliberately deceitful and untrue messages spread in mainstream media ... The situation has become so terrible that it cannot be described. The mainstream media should come to their senses, ”wrote the American leader on Twitter.

It’s caused that there is a link between the Fake News and our report. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2018

Provocative actions

At the same time, a number of Trump supporters suggested that the followers of the American leader behind the suspicious packages were not his followers, but his opponents.

“I declare bluntly: the chances that these“ suspicious parcels ”were sent by the conservatives tend to zero. The only suspicious detail in these packages is the time they were sent. Refugee caravans, false threats about bombs - the “leftists” will stop at nothing in congressional elections, ”said activist Candice Owens.

Her version was supported by journalist John Cardillo, who advised to look for the guilty among radical leftist groups and anti-fascists.

“Investigators need to seriously deal with left-wing groups like the antifaus, investigating the story of sending bombs that were sent to Soros, Obama and Clintons. All this is similar to provocative actions of abnormal “leftists” who know that they will lose in the elections, ”the Washington Post quotes Cardillo.

Radio host Bill Mitchell went even further, stating that Soros himself, who allegedly wants to harm the Republican reputation, is behind the sending of explosive packages.

“These“ parcels of bombs, ”which were sent to the media and high-ranking Democrats, are a provocation by Soros himself to give media men the reason to present the Republican Party as a dangerous crowd. Complete nonsense, ”Mitchell wrote on his Twitter.

This is the "explosive packages" and it can be painted as "the dangerous mob."

Pure BS.

- Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) October 24, 2018

Neglected disease

Inter-party schism and the atmosphere of hatred that the American media are pushing for led to such incidents, said the President of the American Institute in Moscow, Eduard Lozansky.

“Determining who is behind this is almost impossible. There are special services, but they do not have much confidence after the election campaign of 2016, when it became known that they were on the side of the Democratic Party of Hillary Clinton and participated in the plot against Trump, ”the expert said in an interview with RT.

Lozansky agrees that the incident with bombs is directly related to the upcoming mid-term elections to the US Congress.

The "blue wave" of the democrats was to ensure their victory in both chambers of congress - the senate and the house of representatives. Now, as a result of Trump's success in the economic field and the holding of his candidates for the Supreme Court, the Republican Party has received additional energy injections and the gap is closing. The Senate will definitely remain in the hands of the Republicans. Democrats still have an advantage in the House of Representatives, but it is decreasing every day, ”the expert suggested.

  • Robot Sapper
  • Reuters
  • © Joe Skipper

According to him, now it is difficult to predict how a bomb scandal may affect the outcome of the midterm elections.

“This factor will play some role, but it is not clear in whose favor, since each side blames the opposite. In a strategic plan, this is unlikely to be decisive. The main factor for Americans has always been the economy. In this direction under Trump have achieved great success, achieved a historic minimum of unemployment. This concerns mainly ordinary citizens, ”said Lozansky.

At the same time, Konstantin Blokhin, leading researcher at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that the action could play into the hands of the Democrats.

"This action is definitely aimed at shaping the views of American voters before the day of voting in congressional elections," he said.

“It can mobilize a democratic electorate ... Another similar event is a crowd of migrants coming from Honduras. Obviously, Trump will face a choice: either to stop them by using violence, or to be more liberal and try to open the borders, which, of course, will repel white Republicans from him, ”concluded the expert.