Safa Ali

Moms exaggerate the cleanliness of their children and their games as a kind of protection and fear of diseases, but do you protect the hygiene of diseases?

Nada is washing her baby's plastic dolls daily, while washing her cotton every week. She is always keen to sterilize the house with medical materials, especially in the winter. Her older child is more sensitive to allergies of the nose and chest allergies, despite all the vaccines and vaccines for preventing colds or allergies. The beginning of the winter. She is also very careful not to put her child games that fall from the ground in his mouth before washing, no matter how clean the house.

Despite all the precautions she sees as healthy, she can not make family visits to her family living in an Egyptian province. Her child often gets sick once she gets there because of what she calls "climate change" from one place to another and has severe diarrhea and intestinal infections.

Nada is like many mothers who are overly hygienic for their children and are unaware that the child is directly affected by it.

Allow your child to eat food that falls on the ground as long as you do not doubt it (Pixabee)

Bacteria and the immune system
A study by Harvard University suggests that dirt and bacteria protect against disease. Without exposure to these germs early in life, the immune system does not learn how to control its reaction to ordinary invaders such as dust and pollen, which causes many kinds of allergies.

Before the baby is born in hours, millions of bacteria flow into the vagina, even if the child passes through. The bacteria enter his mouth and nose, and his digestive system regulates the feeding process and provides him with primary immunity.

After delivery, the mother-to-baby transmission of the bacteria continues through breastfeeding. The mother's milk contains a complex and dynamic microbial that colonizes the baby's intestines and provides a unique way to develop the immune system and digestive system.

Children born with caesarean sections are more susceptible to allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea than those born with a normal birth because they have been deprived of about 85% of the friendly bacteria that help them produce vitamins, absorb nutrients, regulate their immune system, Affect their mood.

The British protocol forbids giving antibiotics to children before the age of the year, because they are used irrationally, especially in developing countries, harming the immune system of children, killing bacteria that live within the child's body and future diseases.

New research by researchers in environmental biotechnology at the Graz University of Technology suggests that excessive hygiene enhances antibiotic resistance and that without the exposure to dirt and germs early in life, the immune system does not learn how to control its reaction to ordinary invaders such as dust and pollen.

Natural friction strengthens your child's immune system (Pixabee)

And stimulates direct contact with the environment in the first years of life - especially before the age of three years - such as exposure to mosquito bites and insects; allergens, which play an important role in training the immune system to behave in a certain way.

Children's contact with animals such as cats, especially in the rural environment and before their first birthday, will make them less vulnerable to allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes, according to a report by Science Daily.

The sensitivity of children to certain foods is also less among rural children than among urban children, and also protects them from severe colds.

The more people change living conditions in general, the better the beneficial bacteria. People who live in the countryside and the mountains, sleep in the open, do not wash with soap and antibiotics, do not wash their teeth with fluoride, better health and longevity than urban dwellers, closed and sterile buildings, Their hands with soap after each shaking hands.

From here it was necessary to pass the bacteria beneficial to the child from time to time, but how?

- Breastfeeding for as long as possible, mother's milk is full of beneficial microbes and nutrients that form the baby's immune system.

- Make sure to eat prebiotics-rich foods during pregnancy, such as bananas, oats, honey, fermented milk such as yoghurt.

Avoid using antibiotics as much as possible, unless under medical supervision.

- Do not minimize the use of industrial disinfectants, the normal patient is enough, and the ability to protect also from microbes and bacteria, and be careful about excessive sterilization, according to the Food and Drug Authority.

- Let your baby play in the mud, he - besides helping him ease his tension - of the best ways to enhance the health of his immune system.

- Allow your child to eat food that falls on the ground as long as you do not doubt its cleanliness. You can also allow him to eat a meal every month outside the house as long as it was free of meat or preservatives, to qualify him in the future to contact the outside world.

- Allow your child to deal with animals and direct contact with them and touching the fur, for example.

- Do not tighten the screws on him and make him play with his peers in the open areas, and allow him to feel the leaves, and play with sand or stones, and explore the environment around him.

- Do not wash his toys as long as you stay indoors.