Al-Jazeera correspondent said Wednesday that the security and military tension prevail in areas south of the Libyan capital Tripoli, a day after a ceasefire agreement between the battalion of the rebels of Tripoli and the 7th Brigade - infantry, of the government of national reconciliation.

Several battalions of the National Reconciliation Government announced a state of alert in the capital and mobilized heavy and medium weapons in the areas of Al-Khalla, Wadi Al-Rabee'a and Salaheddin south of the city.

Dozens of families were displaced from areas of security tension south of Tripoli, in anticipation of renewed clashes and indiscriminate shelling of homes of local residents.

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMA) has warned of some parties' attempts to tamper with the security of the capital, Tripoli, and have blamed them for any harm to people, particularly civilians.

The mission added in a tweet on Twitter that there was no reason to waste one drop of blood, and called on everyone to inject blood and abolish what she called "mobilization" and urged to give the opportunity to neutral intermediaries.

The Libyan health ministry said on Tuesday that five people were killed and 31 wounded in an initial toll of clashes that erupted on Monday in the southern suburbs of the capital.

The Information Office of the Ministry of Health that the Tripoli University Hospital received four dead and two wounded.

The General Hospital of Al-Hadaba received five dead and wounded, and four wounded were transferred to Abu Salim Hospital. Twenty patients were taken to Al-Mukhtar Hospital, four of them seriously.

Earlier, the Interior Minister of the Accordance Government Abdel Salam Ashour announced a cease-fire agreement in the areas of engagement in the south-eastern suburb of Tripoli.

Part of the military presence in the outskirts of the capital Tripoli (Reuters)

Control and delivery
Ashour said in a brief statement that the agreement provides for the handover of the headquarters of the 7th Brigade - Infantry Directorate of Tripoli security without further details.

According to local media, the clashes took place between the Seventh Brigade of the Ministry of Defense of the government of the reconciliation and the battalion of the revolutionaries of Tripoli led by Haitham Tagouri, supported by the battalion of missionaries, belonging to the Ministry of the Interior on the other hand.

The seventh brigade accuses both the rebels of Tripoli and the battalion of attackers attacking the points of concentration in the southern suburb of the capital, which led to the outbreak of clashes at dawn on Monday used heavy and medium weapons.

The clashes ended with the control of the seventh brigade on the Yarmouk camp in the Salah al-Din area (south of Tripoli) and the killing of four elements of the battalion of the target, according to local media.

The government condemned the clashes and described them as an armed attack in the suburbs of the capital between "outlaw groups" acts of violence "terrorize" citizens.

Since the fall of the Muammar Gaddafi regime in 2011, Tripoli has been witnessing a power struggle between militias whose agendas and loyalties vary.

The Agence France Presse has so far failed to form an army and regular security forces, and has been forced to rely on militias to ensure security in the capital.