With her husband and two children, Bénédicte Moret, 35, has managed to almost no longer produce waste. A complex approach, but she chose to lead as a game Author of a blog and a book, My family zero waste , she told Olivier Delacroix his experience on Friday on Europe 1, and took the opportunity to give some advice to those who would be tempted to follow suit, like her, to make a gesture for the planet.

"Four years ago, with my family, we decided to destroy all our garbage and we decided to stop waiting for the change to come from above, and to be -the same actors.

Specifically, we emptied our garbage on a tarp in the garden, we looked element by element, and we tried to find a solution for each waste that was produced. At the end of the first year, we still managed to reduce our waste by 90%, which is absolutely huge. And there, after four years, we managed to produce a jar of garbage a year for a family of four.

>> From 15h to 16h, share your life experiences with Olivier Delacroix on Europe 1. Find the replay of the show here

We were already thoroughly in preserving the environment before. We thought we were nickel, but we continued to have this trash every week. At one point, we said, 'But it's not possible, we're doing composting, raising awareness, my husband has been working in an NGO for years, and we still have garbage!' We thought we had to stop telling others what to do and watch what we do not do. We decided to be really actors in our daily life, with our children. We wanted to mobilize them because it's still the future. We all started together in this adventure.

Heard on europe1:

It is a progression that is quite slow, but when we took small habits, it is done alone

We decided to live it like a game. We started by writing a blog with articles that told us about our adventure, the positive and negative things. We did not put pressure. At first, we said we would make zero waste, and after a few weeks we realized that it was not possible, and that we should therefore strive for the best. As it was a little fun and in a positive way, nothing was finally very complicated. This is a progression that is quite slow, but when we took small habits, it is done alone.

>> READ ALSO - Recycling waste: "We sort twice less in town than in the countryside"

Four years ago, we had the plaster, because there was not much zero waste. By creating the blog and then publishing the book, we thought that all the galleys we met, as much as people zap and enter directly into the practical and easy.

Heard on europe1:

Doing zero waste is also going to the basics and stop consuming to consume

Reducing waste is a bit of deserting supermarkets, giving money back to the local economy. Concrete examples are going to his butcher, his cheese maker, his pastry chef, buying his vegetables at the market, simply going with his basket, glass jars or Tupperware.

Imagine that it does not cost more at all, it costs even less in the end. The first year, we reduced our consumption by 20%. Because doing zero waste is also going to the basics and stop consuming to consume. When we desert the supermarkets, we also desert temptations. We end up buying what we need, and not what we want, because we are less tempted.

I advise to find your local producers and go directly to the merchant with your reusable packaging. We must reduce his impulses, or at least his shopping desires, on clothing for example, we can focus on the opportunity rather than buying new.


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