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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison at a press conference in Canberra, October 16, 2018. © AAP / Mick Tsikas / via REUTERS

In Australia, the governing coalition in power has just suffered a bitter failure in the by-election won by an independent candidate. The election was held in Wentworth, a seaside resort on the outskirts of Sydney. With the loss of this constituency, the center-right Australian government became a minority. This is another blow for Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

The victory of Kerryn Phelps, an independent candidate in an ordinary Liberal constituency, reflects a deep dissatisfaction with voters exasperated by domestic political struggles.

Last August, former Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull had to resign from his parliamentary seat, victim of a "coup d'etat" internal to his party. He has been replaced by Scott Morrison who is now in a very bad position for next year's elections. He also risks, now that the government has become a minority, a motion of no confidence.

Getting rid of the Prime Minister has become a national sport in Australia. The country has experienced six leadership changes in ten years.

Karryn Phelps was able to mobilize and gain points from the electorate by addressing national issues such as the fight against climate change or Canberra's treatment of asylum seekers.

In front of her supporters she declared that her victory was a " great moment for democracy " in Australia and that she signed the return of " dignity, honesty and humanity in politics ". A message could not be more clearly addressed to his opponents.