For the second consecutive day, violent protests against the government erupted in a number of Sudanese cities. In Sudan's capital, Khartoum, police used tear gas to separate hundreds of protesters. Two people died in the protests in Al-Qadarif in the east of the country, according to official sources.

According to the Reuters news agency, officials told a local television station that even eight people have died. At least 20 demonstrators were arrested.

On Wednesday, a mob in Atbara set fire to the local headquarters of the ruling party of President Umar al-Bashir. As a result, the city authorities imposed a state of emergency and a nocturnal curfew. Reuters reported that, according to one official, al-Qadarif also imposed a state of emergency and curfews at night.

Reasons for the protests are price increases and inflation: After weeks of shortages, the authorities increased the price of bread three times to about six US cents. The price of a number of basic products rose sharply last year, raising inflation to at least 60 percent.


Supporter of opposition politician Sadiq al-Mahdi in Khartoum

The current protests coincided with the return of opposition politician Sadiq al-Mahdi to Sudan. He was the last freely elected head of government in the country and returned to Sudan on Wednesday. His government was overthrown in 1989 during a military coup led by Bashir. For almost a year he lived in exile. Thousands of followers welcomed him on his return on Wednesday.

Since 2013, there were not so bad protests in Sudan. At that time, masses took to the streets against subsidy cuts. Many called for a new government - a rare demand in a state ruled by army and security services.

The Sudanese economy is struggling to recover from the loss of three-quarters of its oil output since South Sudan split with most oil fields in 2011.