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Animator Angel Pedro Etchecopar, better known as Baby Etchecopar, on the radio of the Argentine radio R10. Youtube screenshot

The fight for women's rights is on the agenda in Argentina. By a court decision, a radio host who had made degrading remarks about women will receive on its antenna, ten feminists.

With our correspondent in Buenos Aires , Jean-Louis Buchet

Angel Pedro Etchecopar, better known as Baby Etchecopar , is one of Argentina's most controversial radio hosts. Outrancier and proud to go against the tide of what he calls the dominant thought, he arouses controversy for his comments often judged racist, homophobic or sexist.

But this time, he went too far, raging against feminists, and women in general, during several broadcasts in September 2018. A prosecutor felt it was appropriate to file a complaint against him for violation of the anti-discrimination law. And in view of the eight pages of the file, filled with hateful and degrading sentences for women, the judge in charge of the case initiated the prosecution.

But as the host said he realized the seriousness of the facts, an agreement was found on a sentence for the least original. He initially made a public apology. Baby Etchecopar will then receive from March 2019, ten feminists, appointed by a specialized prosecutor, in ten of his programs El Angel of the medianoche . They will have ten minutes to express themselves freely, without the facilitator being able to interrupt them. Never seen with Baby Etchecopar!