Are you upset by the name of your partner's previous partner? Do you have nightmares that they are going to meet again? Or are you worried that your current relationship will not be as deep as his experience with it?

Do not be alarmed, because many women suffer from this condition, and feel very jealous if they know that their husbands still remember their former wives, which can jeopardize the relationship and prevent it from continuing.

Loss of confidence
It is difficult to accept the fact that your husband was involved with other women before you, and it is normal to feel a little pain when confronted with this fact. But losing confidence in your partner and the urgent need to spy on him can have serious consequences.

Although this feeling can sometimes be justified, jealousy is a problem that disturbs both parties, where the jealous person feels miserable while jealousy tightens on the other side and limits his freedom. It is therefore necessary to make an effort to overcome these emotions that disturb your life.

Jealousy destroys relationships between spouses. However, it is difficult to get rid of this disturbing feeling, given the multiple motives behind jealousy and different degrees, according to author Jane Dombiar, in a report published on the site of Canal Can in Canada.

Jealousy disturbs both parties and it is essential that you make an effort to overcome these emotions that disturb your life (social networking sites)

This is what you have to do?
The worst behavior you can do in similar situations is to try to talk badly about your partner in order to distort her image in your husband's eyes or force him not to meet her.

The reasons for jealousy are likely to be flimsy. Even if your husband has already shared love with this woman, the nature of his relationship with her may have changed over time.

In return, you may be sincerity with you about what your past is a positive sign.

The best way to identify your partner's former partner is to do the best. This step may help you understand the friendship that you are having, and possibly become your friend as well.

If your husband avoids meeting with his former partner in the same place, you must try to address the issue without turning the discussion into a fight.

In fact, his continued rejection of this may be proof of the existence of speeches. But in all cases, try to be flexible without resorting to a choice between you.

Your husband has a child of his own, in which case you will have no choice but to coexist (Pixabee)

He has a child of his own
Your spouse's former partner can remain a part of his or her life if they have a child.

In this case, you will have no choice but to live with this situation and be careful to accept the idea that this woman will play an important role in your husband's life.

There are likely to be many factors behind your heterogeneity, such as the fact that your husband once chose to establish a family with this woman, as well as the possibility of re-associating them to find out what is most appropriate for their child.

It is not easy to accept that they share a child's upbringing.

Learn Coexistence
Avoid talking bad about him, especially in the presence of her children. When it comes to making decisions that concern children, you will have to consult their mother first, because her decisions are considered the most appropriate.

Having this woman in your life is imperative, so it is best to learn to live with this situation and overcome your jealousy by paying more attention to your relationship with the other side.

Tugs of memories
Even if the previous wife is already absent, just thinking about the fact that your partner is getting back memories that you share with that woman generates jealousy in yourself. These ideas are likely to be the fabric of your imagination, so you have to overcome them.

Tell your husband in a tactful manner that talking about his past experiences in your presence bothers you (the island)

Do not direct charges
There is no harm in telling your husband in a subtle way that talking about his past experiences in your presence bothers you.

It is best to try to overcome jealousy by believing that although he does not like you as much as you do, he preferred to stay with you instead.

If you are certain that your husband has not completely exceeded his previous relationship and declined to contact you, you should try to address the issue.

The blame will most likely exacerbate the problem, so try as much as possible to express your feelings quietly without charging the other.

Reasons for jealousy?
Do you have other reasons for jealousy? With this hypothesis in mind, you may have reasons to make you feel jealous of your previous wife. In this case, how do you get rid of these doubts?

What to do
Spying on your husband or searching for his own purposes will never benefit you. If you do not find any evidence condemning him, you may feel very guilty.

If you notice such things, you may lose confidence in yourself.

The best option is to maintain good communication, with caution if you notice suspicious signs.

If you think there are real reasons to be jealous and your husband still has some feelings for his former wife, then you have to make a decisive decision on this issue.

If this relationship makes you feel anxious rather than happy, it is not worth it.