While potential candidates for the presidential elections in Algeria in April will continue to gather the necessary signatures, others have announced that they intend to take the race in mockery of their strange statements, ranging from someone claiming to be "commissioned by God" and another as the "commander of world forces."

Recently, private channels such as the country, NaharTV, Hayat, Algerian news websites on YouTube and other social sites have published interviews that included short interviews with a number of potential candidates who were asked about their candidacy and election programs.

The responses bore a great deal of strangeness as they revealed the ignorance of most of them about the world of politics and even the geography and history of Algeria, while others went so far as to describe their decision as a kind of divine revelation.

In recent days, the statements of these people have been a source of ridicule and ridicule, both in the street and in the social networking sites, and the acceptance of the files of applicants to the presidential elections there are several conditions, including the collection of sixty thousand signatures, after the withdrawal of applications for candidacy from the Constitutional Council.

One of those who withdrew the candidacy forms was named Ahmed Bulbayez. When asked about the matter, he said in a confident manner that he was "the president of the Imam Mahdi Republic, the preacher of Rahman."

Not only that, but claimed that God sent him to this task, and called on other candidates to withdraw from the race to allow him to implement the "divine command," saying that he is seeking the year 2000 to run for president.

Similarly, 40-year-old Fathi Bouganem of Ain Timoshenko said his decision to run for president was based on a "divine revelation" and told An-Nahar television that he was thinking about it after his wife slept.

In a separate statement, Bougainm said he has been involved since 1999 in the National Liberation Front (FLN) party, which leads the ruling coalition in Algeria.

"Global Force Commander"
Another form of candidates for the Algerian presidential election is Said Amamra, who presented himself as an artist, journalist and writer.

Al-Saeed was not only the epitome of "world commander of forces," "head of international security," and "chief of security and peace in the world," and described his likely candidacy as "a message from heaven."

If some claimed he was commissioned by God, the other free candidate, Rabah Ben Sherif, told the state television that it was expensive for the Algerians, and that it was the only hope for the Algerian people.

"The American people demand that I be their president, but I hope to be president of my country," said another, who said he wanted to make Algeria better than the United States.

The list of candidates for the presidency included bee breeders. One of the highlights of his election program was the dissolution of Air Algerie and its change to Algeria Airways.

No answers
Most of them when asked about their electoral programs are unable to answer, but more than one of them failed to answer simple questions concerning the national anthem and the area of ​​Algeria and its borders until one of them said that Spain is bordered by the south.

One of the potential candidates when he was told that the chiefs were eating French fries replied that his favorite food was steak and a colleague admitted that his level was seventh secondary. But he said, "There is nothing in the river."

Women have a share in the ambition for the presidency. In this context, candidate Saliha Mermoui and Awad presented proposals that include free water and gas, the empowerment of every citizen of a land area of ​​one thousand square meters, as well as the transfer of the transfer of prisoners outside Algeria.

Former Secretary-General of the National Liberation Front Gamal Ould Abbas commented that when he wants to laugh watching the statements of these candidates, considering that their quest to run for president reflects a lack of respect for Algeria.