Libyan Parliament Speaker Aqila Saleh admitted the creation and amendment of laws in parliament for retired Major General Khalifa Hafer, with the aim of legitimizing the "process of dignity".

Saleh, at a tribal gathering in eastern Libya, said the parliament had abolished the "political isolation law" that applies to Haftar. He amended the "army law" and created the post of "general commander" and issued another law to restore Hafer to work.

The Speaker of the Libyan Parliament also recognized the support and financing of the UAE for Haftar in the war he launched in May 2014 on the eastern city of Benghazi.

Haftar "Operation Karama" was launched on 16 May 2014 in the eastern city of Benghazi, where his forces attacked the headquarters of the rebels and his political rivals.

Hafer presented himself as the "savior" of Libya from groups he accuses of "terrorism" and the instigation of chaos, while his opponents assert that he is leading a military rebellion, coup attempt and counter-revolution to cancel the gains of the February 17 revolution that overthrew Gaddafi's rule.