By RFIPalled on 26-09-2018Modified on 26-09-2018 at 16:42

On the evening of 25 September, in the town of Wum, a northwestern Anglophone town in Cameroon, a commando attacked the city's prison and released 117 detainees. Most of them are still on the run.

In Cameroon, armed men stormed the Wum prison in the English-speaking North West around 7 pm on September 25. According to security sources, they used a ladder to access the interior of the penitentiary center, through the back wall opposite the watchtower.

Surprised by the violence of the attack, the guards, in small numbers, could not resist. Once inside the penitentiary, the assailants fired warning shots and broke down the cell doors. A total of 117 detainees were released and immediately disappeared into the wild. The attackers also took away two weapons and a case of ammunition.

Since this morning, about thirty prisoners have surrendered to the authorities. The police and security forces chased the other escapees. The city of Wum, capital of the Menchum department in the North West region, has been in darkness for weeks. This situation of lack of electrical energy would have favored this assault, according to several residents.

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