Earlier after the alleged assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Oppsotion feared further repression. Now an opposition politician has been arrested. The deputy Juan Requesens and his sister Rafaela had been arrested at night on Wednesday by agents of the service Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia (Sebin) in their home in Caracas. This was announced by his party Primero Justicia on Twitter.

Maduro accuses party leader Requesens of being involved in the alleged assassination attempt. Moreover, the government is convinced that Colombia has participated in the alleged attack. Rafaela Requesens was released after a short time. She wrote that herself on Twitter. The incident shows again the increase in political persecution, it was said by the party. She spoke of a violation of the human rights of those who "fight for the freedom of our country".

Previously, Maduro had the party leader and prominent opposition Julio Borges associated with the alleged attempted attack on him. Borges is one of Venezuela's best-known government opponents. Last year he was awarded the Sakharov Human Rights Prize of the European Parliament. He called the allegations of Maduro on Twitter a farce.

According to the government, alleged assassins had tried on the weekend, a bomb attack with drones on Maduro to commit. During a speech by the President broadcast on state television, explosions were heard. Maduro was unhurt. However, according to official figures, seven National Guardsmen were seriously injured. Six suspects have been arrested so far.

Video: Uprising in Venezuela - My life under Maduro

