By RFIPalled on 03-03-2019Modified on 03-03-2019 at 20:17

In a statement read on Algerian national television this Sunday, March 3, the head of state Abdelaziz Bouteflika made three commitments if elected to the presidential election of April 18. His candidacy was filed by his campaign manager.

The president's statement was read by the news presenter. "I heard and listened to the cry of the hearts of the demonstrators, especially thousands of young people," said Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

The head of state says he will commit, if elected on April 18, to organize an inclusive and independent national conference, open to all. The latter will decide the date of an anticipated presidential election, to which Abdelaziz Bouteflika promises not to be a candidate. The Algerian president finally agrees to a modification of the Constitution which will have to be approved by referendum.

The official Algerian news agency announced the candidacy of Abdelaziz Bouteflika had been filed by his campaign manager. But since Sunday morning, there is great confusion about whether or not it complies with the law. Abdelwahab Derbal, president of the Independent High Authority for Electoral Observation (HIISE), said in the afternoon that the nomination file for elections, including presidential elections, " must be submitted by the candidate himself ".

The President of the Independent High Authority for Election Monitoring. # Algeria

Leïla Beratto (@LeilaBeratto) March 3, 2019

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