Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said yesterday that the demands of anti-government demonstrations were "legitimate" but pointed out that some did not follow "legal procedures" and caused property damage. Two Republican decrees set seven new ministers, including four ministers.

In his opening speech yesterday, Bashir said the new parliamentary session, "The economic crisis has affected large sections of our people." He added that this crisis "made some come out to the street to achieve legitimate demands, but some of these gatherings did not follow the legal procedures, and some of them went to sabotage the property."

He added that «political forces sought to exploit this, and spread calls for hatred» in society.

He affirmed his readiness to make all concessions in order to achieve peace during the current year, stressing his commitment to a permanent cease-fire in all stages of military operations in the states of Darfur and the Blue Nile and South Kordofan regions.

Al-Bashir reiterated the call of the opposition political forces, the forces of the street and civil society to agree to engage in dialogue, according to measures and procedures to be agreed upon together, as the only option to reach the country.

He stressed that the coming days will see more measures that strengthen the path of dialogue and prepare the country for national transformation. He pointed out that the changes in the country in the political track and the structural structure of the state represent a basis for building a viable system for thinking and settling for the homeland.

The Sudanese News Agency (SUNA) reported that Bashir issued two decrees appointing three ministers and four ministers of state, where the first team was appointed, Siddique Mohammed Amer, minister of the Federal Court of Governance, and Roda Al Haj Mohammed, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, For youth and sports. Bashir also decided to appoint four new ministers of state, ministries of foreign affairs, justice and finance.

This brings the number of cabinet ministers formed, finally, to 25 ministers, and 22 state ministers. Bashir confirmed that the appointment was made in consultation with Prime Minister Mohammad Taher Ila.

This comes at a time when the Sudan News Agency that the police dispersed "illegal gatherings", in the state of Khartoum, and some cities in other states, the day before yesterday.

Police spokesman Hashim Ali Abdul Rahim said: "These illegal collisions were dealt with by the police and its squad using tear gas. Police in the state of Khartoum also received reports of injuries among citizens and police."

Police arrested and prosecuted a number of protesters under the Criminal Code and the Emergency Order.

For its part, the US Embassy in Khartoum called on the Sudanese government to move forward towards a constructive dialogue on the political transition, and the fruitful and non-violent response to the protests that have recently raged in the Sudanese cities, demanding an end to the campaign of arrests among demonstrators, political forces and journalists.