Yassin Aktay, adviser to the Turkish president, said in an article published by the Turkish newspaper "Yeni Shafak" about the results of the local elections and their repercussions. He said that whoever criticizes Turkey should follow its democratic experiment first.

The electoral process is still going on - despite the fact that several days have passed since the elections were held because of the appeals made regarding the results of some ballot boxes, which explains why the results have not yet been resolved. In fact, the process of opposition and acceptance of the recounting of votes in some places or their rejection elsewhere is an integral part of the democratic electoral process, according to Aktay.

The writer stressed that the local elections in Istanbul is not yet completed because of a fierce competition in the elections, which participated about 8.5 million voters. The results were very close, so - the president's adviser says - it is normal for the votes to be recounted even if there is no objection to the results.

According to some US election laws, it is necessary to recount votes if the difference between the top candidates does not exceed 1%, even without the need to contest one of the results or request a recount. This step is a step complementary to the US elections, and no one can criticize the lack of adoption of the preliminary results issued, and no one has the right to do so.

Aktay: Vote difference in Istanbul elections so small it is natural to recount votes and promise again (Getty Images)

Little difference
Aktay added that the difference in votes in the Istanbul elections is small, so it is natural to recount votes and promise them again because those few votes may make a difference in the final result.

He explained that no one had the right to criticize the procedures of the electoral process, including appeals for the results of some funds and requested a recount, because the recounting of votes again more accurately and the observers of the political parties involved will lead to results that are respected by all and become "closer to the truth" and more right. Whoever criticizes this - as the writer says - intends to overcome any cases of fraud that have occurred.

Aktay said that the figures indicate that the AKP will not retreat in this election compared with the 2014 elections. In the local elections in 2014, it won 47.9% of the votes. This percentage did not decrease this time, but increased according to preliminary results of 48.6% or 48.7% This means that progress is recorded, not a regression.

Therefore - and still the president's adviser - should accept the fact that the Republican People's Party candidate Akram Emamoglu has achieved the highest level of support for his party's candidates in Istanbul for many years.

The system of alliances witnessed by these elections served the interest of the Republican People's Party and the AKP did not benefit greatly from it.

People's concerns
These elections confirmed the fact that the people are interested in municipal services and can assess these services through the ballot boxes. This is evidence of the success of the AKP in obtaining citizens' satisfaction through its public services through municipalities. Although there are some shortcomings in certain aspects, the overall trend and overall impression on these services remains positive.

He stressed that the votes of the ruling party did not decline in these elections, but increased. But the alliances that have taken place between the parties have made his party lose many of the major municipalities, and this can not be considered a defeat - as the writer - the Republican People's Party on some of the major municipalities in which the best for the people in terms of unity and integration. Since the AKP's rise to power in the political arena, there has been no hope or room for opposition, and their victory today is a win for Turkish society and democracy.

The AKP's loss of the presidency of some municipalities, according to the article, has created a good opportunity to distribute and share the resources of the Turkish state fairly. The victory of the Republican People's Party, headed by the Ankara Municipality - even if they also won the presidency of Istanbul - does not mean they have full control of both municipalities, because the AKP enjoys a large majority in the municipal councils.