The United States-based Marquis Hughes Foundation has selected HE Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Jarwan, President of the World Council for Tolerance and Peace, to receive the Albert Nelson Award "Lifetime Achievement" in honor of his outstanding achievements in the field of tolerance and peace.

He is the founder and president of the World Council for Tolerance and Peace, Chairman of the General Union of Arab Experts, Ambassador of Peace of the World Peace Union, and Goodwill Ambassador of the President of Kosovo, a member of the Federal National Council since 2011. Chairman of the Arab Parliament for two consecutive terms from 2012 to 2016. He founded and chaired the Sharjah Automobile Club. He was a member of Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a member of the Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Committee.

Marquez Hose-ho was honored as one of the most prominent and pro-peace figures in the Arab world and the world as a whole and witnessed his remarkable achievements during his presidency of the Arab Parliament, which was a difficult period in the history of the Arab region.

Through his career, which was characterized by good leadership and vision, he succeeded in making change. His achievements were clear, well known and varied. Through 40 years of experience, he distinguished with extensive development and sustainable projects. Along with a number of other eminent personalities at the international level, and was elected as its President, for his high position and honorable history in the fields of peace and tolerance, and the fight against discrimination, racism and religious, ethnic and sectarian extremism.

The Global Council for Tolerance and Peace promotes and promotes the values ​​of tolerance and peace and the development of the rules of international law. The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace (IPTP / July 2018) is one of the organs of the World Council for Tolerance and Peace. It includes more than 50 parliamentarians from 50 countries around the world. .