WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of saboteurs on Friday replaced the main picture of US President Donald Trump on his Wikipedia page as a masculine, making a personal assistant Siri show this image on Apple's devices when Trump was named.

The Trump page on Wikipedia is now heavily protected, meaning that it can only be modified with accounts older than 30 days and has made more than 500 edits to the encyclopedia.

The system aims to prevent saboteurs who create fictitious accounts and update the president's page with these images, and the modernization is limited to people who have real accounts and are constantly updating.

These actions came after the vandals made five modifications to fix the male image instead of the Donald Trump image. The vandals used different image files to circumvent file management techniques in Wikipedia.

The hackers are not amateur. According to the editor of Wikipedia, the most recent modification of the image was made using former administrator accounts, which means that the saboteurs were able to acquire this account to return the image previously deleted by Wikipedia.

Wikipedia offers dual protection for administrative accounts, but many of the hacked accounts were not up to date. Most of these accounts have not been active for months, so they are likely to be vulnerable due to weak security techniques. Four of the accounts that sabotaged the liberation were banned indefinitely as a result of the attack.

Editors now deal with the problem by checking for any new changes to the page, and updating all accounts with up-to-date security techniques. One of the editors of the open editorial forum wrote on the page that it was unusual to lock such an article in front of direct public update, but we had to.